
There is no statistically significant demand curve for this date. Please see below for model results.

Change in Demand as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 0.78890 70.71940 0.99115
(Change in Demand)t-1 1.32270 0.13350 0.00000
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.50080 0.12530 0.00026
(Change in Price) 22.31440 22.21220 0.32084
(Change in Price)t-1 18.54980 22.48780 0.41410
(Change in Price)t-2 -28.48000 22.57240 0.21401
Adjusted R-squared:  0.8445
Change in Price as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 0.03549 0.48544 0.94200
(Change in Price)t-1 -0.12697 0.15438 0.41500
(Change in Price)t-2 -0.09282 0.15721 0.55800
(Change in Demand) 0.00105 0.00105
(Change in Demand)t-1 0.00045 0.00167 0.79000
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.00030 0.00101 0.77100
Adjusted R-squared: 0.06366

Note that "t-1" and "t-2" are 1- and 2-period lags.
