
There is no demand curve for this day. Please see below for models.

Change in Demand as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 4.88870 63.97620 0.93950
(Change in Demand)t-1 1.22640 0.15710 0.00000
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.38580 0.15830 0.01910
(Change in Price) 23.00380 20.51960 0.26860
(Change in Price)t-1 -26.27920 19.94270 0.19470
(Change in Price)t-2 -10.20720 19.46450 0.60280
Adjusted R-squared:  0.7961
Change in Price as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant -0.02449 0.47407 0.95900
(Change in Price)t-1 0.17696 0.14830 0.23900
(Change in Price)t-2 0.03386 0.14460 0.81600
(Change in Demand) 0.00126 0.00113 0.26900
(Change in Demand)t-1 0.00102 0.00182 0.57900
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.00137 0.00124 0.27300
Adjusted R-squared:  0.1265

Note that "t-1" and "t-2" are 1- and 2-period lags.
