
Change in Demand as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 12.23730 91.24280 0.89390
(Change in Demand)t-1 0.93100 0.15460 0.00000
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.33880 0.14580 0.02510
(Change in Price) 89.95010 33.81120 0.01100
(Change in Price)t-1 53.93470 38.44710 0.16800
(Change in Price)t-2 91.92350 34.94820 0.01190
Adjusted R-squared:  0.7586
Change in Price as Dependent
Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant -0.03117 0.38530 0.93590
(Change in Price)t-1 -0.55150 0.14260 0.00038
(Change in Price)t-2 -0.38560 1.47700 0.01247
(Change in Demand) 0.00160 0.00060 0.01101
(Change in Demand)t-1 -0.00005 0.00089 0.95990
(Change in Demand)t-2 0.00030 0.00065 0.65212
Adjusted R-squared:  0.3279

Note that "t-1" and "t-2" are 1- and 2-period lags.
