
Change in Demand as Dependent
  Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 5.70700 82.60750 0.94525
(Change in Demand)t-1 1.14070 0.13870 0.00000
(Change in Demand)t-2 -0.54940 0.13960 0.00031
(Change in Price) 67.02550 22.98260 0.00566
(Change in Price)t-1 26.75760 26.10320 0.31120
(Change in Price)t-2 50.41850 24.07030 0.04228
Adjusted R-squared:  0.8113      
Change in Price as Dependent
  Coefficient Std Error p value
Constant 0.03895 0.50576 0.93898
(Change in Price)t-1 -0.45918 0.14547 0.00295
(Change in Price)t-2 -0.24918 0.15003 0.10418
(Change in Demand) 0.00251 0.00086 0.00566
(Change in Demand)t-1 -0.00162 0.00135 0.23676
(Change in Demand)t-2 0.00210 0.00095 0.03222
Adjusted R-squared:  0.3578      

Note that "t-1" and "t-2" are 1- and 2-period lags.
